Difficulty adding images to posts

Submitted by Tom on 2017/06/14 09:44
the way I upload images to a forum post no longer works the same ( I have found a workaround)
Click on image icon >
'Click 'Link' tab >
Click [Browse server] >
Click [Browse] browse to file > click [Upload File]
the image displays once uploaded >
at this stage I used double-click image and it would upload to post -- this no longer works - it does show a link
in order to display image in post, you now have to copy that link and paste it in the URL field under the "Image info" tab



2017/06/14 11:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Method described in Inserting images in posts always works for me...
I didnt realise that was in the manual.
My error was to use the Link tab initially, rather than the 'Image info' tab