Is calendar integration ever *really* going to happen :-)?

Submitted by David_H on 2017/09/13 15:40
Several months ago the Google sign on capability was released and worked, and it was indicated calendar integration was close and coming in the next release.  But since then it seems all development is on other areas again?  Areas where IQ is already so strong it's like icing on the cake.
It seems like there is no feature request that is more universal or critical to many of us than calendar integration.  For me at least, it's the single (and only serious) limiting factor as I use IQ every day.  Mobile use is a distant second, which is also part of what calendar integration is all about.  Otherwise it's already the most powerful organizer on the planet by a wide margin.  I really hope it happens, I've been waiting for 5 years :-), it seemed we were so close....:-)


Hi David,
I too am waiting for Calendar integration and believe me, it is still planned for v1.0.
And as I don't have infinite financial resources, v1.0 better be ready soon, to give much needed cash flow 
In preparing for v1.0, and as you can see from the Release Notes, the last few months I've been very busy:
  • tying up loose ends,
  • improving performance and the UI,
  • fixing bugs, and
  • improving the documentation (which I hope you'll agree, has also been vastly improved)
Work on the Calendar should resume very soon, this week hopefully.
Thanks for your patience !
IQ Designer

Pierre, FWIW as far as making money my opinion is that there are only 3 features that are important for release:
1. Calendar sync.
2. Mobile functionality.
3. Some type of prebuilt or locked down templates to vastly simplify IQ for new users.  You already have that to some extent in the form of the sample database, but it still takes a lot of time for new users to fgure even basic navigation out.  I'd create a simplified template with a simplified home page or something like that.
IMO the importance of #3 should not be underestimated.  IQ is very daunting for all but the most geeky.
IQ is already so much more powerful than every other information manager out there any time spent on other bells and whistles seems less important than the items above.  Just my 2 cents.
Thanks for responding.  And yes I've noticed all the improvements :-).


2017/09/15 08:39

In reply to by David_H

 In line with #3, I suggest three different modes. Basic, intermediate and advanced. In addition to the customization options already available, these would be pre-designed and customizable. Features in the toolbars and menus would range from essential (easy outlining and scheduling) to complete (complete meaning as they are currently). This might make IQ 1.0 less daunting for new users.
Sony Vaio Z, Intel Core i7, 8 GB RAM, 800 GB SSD
Windows 7 Professional 64 bit


2017/09/15 16:39

In reply to by David_H

 To that, I'd add somme kind of date recurrence functionality, probably integrated with the calendar's events recurrence feature. (It's not a problem for me as I've implemented my own system, but I wonder how a typical user would easily manage recurring tasks).**
As for simplifying stuff, Jon's approach seems quite sensible -- 2-3 modes. I believe that's what Pierre had in mind.
To minimise useless time and caloric consumption, it would be good to "hierarchize" typical non-geek issues to really make these modes non-geeky.
**And maybe a few other things, related to filters, making a couple other grids/views "permanent" with specific icons to access them (1- the "journal" one, that I would probably rename to "JustCreated" or "LostAndFound", or something like that, 2- the future "RecycleBin" grid.). 

Hi David,
v105 will be centered on fixing Calendar issues, and some restructuring to easy integration with online calendars
IQ Designer


2017/10/19 11:49

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Very exciting.  It's hard to answer the question about whether most of the GUI should be matched, until I experience the new Google UI.  Probably yes, I think it would be highly advantageous, especially with regard to having a list of calendars along the left side same as Google.  That said one of the things I like about the IQ calendar is the ability to see many months in the left sidebar, which does not match the Google calendar UI.  So maybe show a single calendar on the left to match Google and move the big list of montly calendars to the right and the user could turn it on or off as desired?  Make sense?


2017/10/19 12:21

In reply to by David_H

So maybe show a single calendar on the left to match Google and move the big list of montly calendars to the right and the user could turn it on or off as desired?  Make sense?
I would let users choose the number of calendars to show in the left pane (1, 2, 3)... no ?
IQ Designer


2017/11/05 01:30

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I haven't started using the calendar and task management functions of because it doesn't seem ready yet. I use MLO and Google calendar for those. Assuming that IQ already has the same sorting, filtering, and task recurrence capabilities, (I haven't checked these out properly yet), in my opinion integration with Google calendar and Google Tasks would make IQ the best option I know of. Looking forward to it.


2017/11/06 15:07

In reply to by Ivo

[...] in my opinion integration with Google calendar and Google Tasks would make IQ the best option I know of. [...]