I am trying to figure out the Doc Pane. I have my default.css file set for a font of Consolas. And this works fine for posting text or HTML. But when I try to post as RTF the font change to Times New Roman. I am not sure why.
Most likely because the RTF contains specific fonts.
Why not paste as HTML ? Most programs put both format on the clipboard
Does RTF get reformated as HTML on the clipboard? Any thoughts on adding an Export feature where you could export out of the Doc Pane into RTF. Specific could by used to open up in Word or Libre Writer.
When copying content from the Doc pane, IE (the engine behind it) automatically puts some content as RTF, though the quality of it is not always as good as HTML.
Any reason why you don't want to copy / paste as HTML ? I don't know about Libre Writer but Word handles it very well