email notification

Submitted by reesd on 2009/02/10 15:28
It would be very nice if we could get email notification on bookmarked pages and threads...


It would be very nice if we could get email notification on bookmarked pages and threads...
This RSS feed notifies all changes to pages and threads.
I have it set up in Thunderbird News&Blogs. Is there something email notifications would provide that this does not?
Regards ... Alec


2009/02/11 14:36

In reply to by Alec_Burgess

Yes, I just want notification the pages and threads I select/bookmark, not everything.


2010/09/16 14:38

In reply to by reesd

I'm still really missing email notification. I miss announcements of new versions, updates to documents I am watching, and replies to forum threads I am participating in. As a result, I think forum discussions take much longer to be resolved because folks don't know someone else has replied until next time they manually go and look at all of their watched threads.

FYI, I shared a Firefox extension I have started using that makes it easier to deal with the forum' s slowness and gives me per page notification. It basically checks the pages (threads/docs) I care about every few days and let's me know if they have changed. The nice thing is that it caches them so I don't actually have to wait for the page to download from the forum. More here: