other outliner discussion forums?

Submitted by jimspoon on 2019/09/18 11:55
Hi all, does anybody know of other good forums for general "outliner" discussion, not focused on a particular program?  Of course it is possible to post "general" discussion in a "program specific" forum, but then you don't want to muck up the forum for "program specific" users.  For example, I'm sure nobody would want our "What's New" page to be cluttered with posts not related to Infoqube.  I've posted in OutlinerSoftware for years but it is woefully deficient, especially compared to what Pierre has here.  No image support for screenshots, no formatting support, just plain text.  Proposed improvements were never implemented.


Hi Jim,
Indeed, the OutlinerSoftware forum is rather outdated. It is impossible to edit, so one must think thrice before clicking that Post button. It has also evolved to be very much macOS and iOS oriented nowadays.
That said, I don't know of any other forum. You could post on DonationCoder, there are lots of discussions going on there and outlining will be of interest to some.
IQ Designer

I no longer post on the Outliner Software forum.  Although it is supposed to be unbiased when it comes to the platform they do tend to concentrate on Apple Mac software in preferance to Windows software.
Also some of the members are a little abrasive.
There is the Zettelkasten Forum which is supposed to be for the discussion of the zettelkasten method of note taking but since the people who run the forum have brought out their own software, 'The Archive', which is for the Apple Mac much of the discussion has become about that software.
I don't know of any others but I would be interested to find out.


2019/09/18 13:07

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

There is also a repository of their blog posts which is quite interesting, these are longer articles.