Please don't make error notices automatically disappear

Submitted by David_H on 2019/12/11 23:36
When there is a rule error or similar an error notice pop-ups on the lower right of IQ. Then it seamlessly disappears....often before I am able to finish reading it so I can figure out the issue :-). I do understand if it did not disappear it could become super irritating if the user had to manually close it every time until they had a chance to fix the error. So perhaps a system option for how long the user wants that message to appear? Something between 1 and 60 seconds?


Good point !
I'll add a setting for this.
FYI, if you move your mouse over the message (or touch it on a touch screen), it does not disappear
p.s. You can also move the popup msg box where you want, it will stick
IQ Designer