Google Tasks or MS To Do ?

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2020/04/24 08:41
Hi IQ Users !
Google Tasks sync is now working quite well. How many or you are using it ? How many are using Google Tasks ?
The reason I ask, is that Google Tasks is so minimalistic, and seems to be evolving so, so slowly. 
Microsoft To Do on the other hand is getting regular updates and has many more features... How many are using it ? Should IQ sync with it too ?
IQ Designer


I use Google Tasks only for GTD context lists now, e.g. 'at workplace', 'errands' etc. while my main inbox is currently Keep.
I plan to investigate Orgzly as an alternative for inboxing / note taking as it's getting rave reviews. You also mentioned it, I think, at one point. Have you ruled it out?
I do use IQ - Google Tasks syncing for the aforementioned context lists as well as to sync my GTD 'Action' grid from InfoQube with a tasks list so that I can look at what tasks I should currently be doing while I am on the go (i.e. non-context stuff that is personal or for work).
It would be nice if the next platform that was enabled for IQ syncing offered better inbox / note-taking capabilities than does Google Tasks. Is it still evolving at all?


2020/04/24 10:56

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

Thanks !
Orgzly hasn't been updated in months... so I considered the project dead, only to see an update today 
IQ Designer


2020/08/22 10:49

In reply to by LeftEccoForIQ

It would be nice if the next platform that was enabled for IQ syncing offered better inbox / note-taking capabilities than does Google Tasks. Is it still evolving at all?
Is Evernote under consideration as some "next platform" for syncing with IQ?
The sync could be based on IQ's grid = Evernote's notebook. 
It would provide great functionality to handle in trees the flat in-build Evernote structure.

 I use Google Tasks, as a handy way to input "todo"'s to sync to IQ.
I downloaded Msoft Todo to take a look at, but for what I need, google tasks is doing fine.
I think IQ really needs the google stuff wrapped up first.

My guess is the average user ties their task solution to whatever email they use. I use Gmail, Gmail works great with Google Calendar, and Google Tasks work great with Google Calendar.
Of course the average IQ user is anything but average. But I'm still guessing that most of us use the task solution that is related to our email if we're going to use either of those two products. And my guess is that there are a hell of a lot more gmail users out there (as far as consumers go, business is a different story).
So not sure if it makes sense to support it. But I guess if there is a second choice to support, that seems the obvious one.

I do use Microsoft To Do, and it would be wonderful to have IQ sync with it. Microsoft To Do has many advantages --- it is of course integrated into Outlook (where I use the wonderful Taskline extension, which provides automatic scheduling that is not yet possible in IQ), and Microsoft To Do can also be accessed directly on iPhone, making it very easy to add reminders from iPhone.
(I am experimenting right now with IQ's Google Tasks sync, and perhaps I can make it work for me in combination with Zapier, but Microsoft To Do integration would be a big step up.)

I use Mozilla Thunderbird for e-mail.  I don't like my data being in the cloud because your data is under the control of the company that owns the server and if they want to deny you access to it for whatever reason (change of company ownership, change of EULA, company going broke, etc.. ) then there isn't much you can do about it.  Not to mention the privacy which you don't have when your data is someone else's property (read the EULA usually anything you put on their server becomes their property).


2020/07/27 10:13

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

I use Mozilla Thunderbird for e-mail.  I don't like my data being in the cloud because your data is under the control of the company that owns the server and if they want to deny you access to it for whatever reason (change of company ownership, change of EULA, company going broke, etc.. ) then there isn't much you can do about it.  Not to mention the privacy which you don't have when your data is someone else's property (read the EULA usually anything you put on their server becomes their property).
Hi Paul,
I certainly agree with regards to privacy, that is why I don't put much private information in cloud services (with the exception of Standard Notes, which has end-to-end encryption)
Regarding access to information, that is the whole point of using IQ with online services... if the service is down or dies, the information is still available in IQ. 
IQ Designer


2020/07/28 05:25

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

So I just keep the information in my computer in IQ which is then shared between my two computers and backed up on the NAS.

Hi IQ Users !

Fast forward one (pandemic) year, I haven't ruled out integrating MS To Do with IQ, in particular since the excellent Microsoft Launcher  (Android) has it very well integrated (no app required, just home screen swype and voilà !)

IQ Designer


Thanks for the update, Pierre! That sounds good. I tried implementing the Google Tasks setup after your recent post on OutlinerSoftware, but the integration turned out to be too limited to be useful (couldn't create lists within IQ, etc). I look forward to trying the MS To Do setup if/when it becomes available. 

Hi Lucas,

Indeed, creating lists was never implemented in IQ. It is something you do often ? 

(list management in Google Tasks is really poor -- e.g. can't see tasks that are in different lists -- , so it is best to keep most tasks in a single list)