"Track" feature of website is very useful for browsing older threads

Submitted by jimspoon on 2020/06/01 01:13
If you click "My Account" on the left sidebar, and then click the "Track" tab, you will see a reverse chronological list of the threads you have initiated or participated in.  The list is arranged in pages, and you can page back to very old threads.  This can be useful for revisiting topics that were of special interest to you.


Thanks for posting that.
Nice tip, I never knew that was there or would have found it.  Nice useful feature.


2020/06/02 00:34

In reply to by lbw2112

Furthermore, clicking on a user name on any of their posts, then on "Track" will show you a history of all threads that that user participated in.


2020/06/03 03:15

In reply to by Cyganet

interesting.  I also saw a "contact" tab when I clicked on your name.  This I suppose enables a way of sending private messages if that should ever become useful for some reason.
Also on the "What's New" page there is a "My Posts" tab which seems to display the same thing as one's own "Track" tab.


2020/06/03 06:32

In reply to by jimspoon

Hey, I hadn't spotted that. I'm not sure where the message will end up since there doesn't seem to be a "My messages" tab under "My account". So I've sent you a hello message to see what happens. Perhaps it goes directly to your email.


2020/06/03 09:11

In reply to by Cyganet

You're right - went direct to my email!  Sent you a reply.