Doc pane problem with new installation.

Submitted by Paul_J_Miller on 2020/09/02 11:57
I have recently replaced my laptop with a desktop machine.  The laptop was the machine with the high DPI screen.  But it was having some problems in that the batteries no longer held very much charge and some of the connectors were becoming increasingly intermittent.  The batteries were not a problem because for the past 18 months it had never moved from my desk, so I replaced it with a desktop computer.
On the laptop the document pane was crisp and sharp. It took full advantage of the high DPI compatibility settings in windows 10.  However installing InfoQube on the new machine the contents of the doc pane are much larger than normal (magnified) and the text has fuzzy edges.  The text is not blurred in the normal sense of the term but it looks like the pixels of the text rendering are many physical pixels across and the 'virtual pixels' had been interpolated.  The 'virtual pixels' themselves have sharp and crisp edges.
The fact that the contents of the doc pane are magnified is a problem as I have to decrease the zoom on visiting a page and this has to be repeated for each page I visit.  When re-starting InfoQube this whole process has to be repeated as the pages default back to their magnified state.
Meanwhile other packages which had problems with rendering on a high DPI screen on the laptop had no such problems on the new system, things like ConnectedText now appear sharp and crisp on the new system.  The built in graphics on the laptop were based on a Radeon graphics processor but the new machine has an Nvidia graphics card.
The new system :-
CPURyzen R9 3950
Graphics CardNvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
Display 1ViewSonic VX2475  (3840 x 2160)
Display 2LG Ultra HD  (3840 x 2160)
RAM32 Gb
HD 1980 Gb SSD
HD 21863 Gb HDD
OSMicrosoft Windows 10 Home
Version10.0.18363 Build 18363
Typex64 based PC
Any suggestions ?


Hi Paul,
Can you report the following information:
  1. Windows 10 version (1902, 1909, 2004, ...): from the build, it is 1909
  2. Display scaling
  3. Is the display scaling from the Settings dropdown list or a custom value you entered
  4. Screenshot of the high DPI dialog for InfoQube.exe
For the record, I've seen this once on a high DPI notebook last week (Win10 2004). I had to change the DPI setting from "System Enhanced" to "System"
I'm not sure what I changed, I know Windows did some updates, and the PC was rebooted, but just checked it again yesterday and it was now fine on "System Enhanced"
IQ Designer


2020/09/02 12:32

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Display Scaling for both monitors is 200% and is one selected from the drop down list with no other tweaks or adjustments.
The settings for InfoQube are as InfoQube set them when installed.
(edited by Admin to reduce image size)


2020/09/02 13:03

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

After a reboot this solves the scaling issue with the doc pane but the text is still just as fuzzy, as if it has been rendered at a lower resolution and then mapped onto the high DPI display.


2020/09/02 13:05

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

After a reboot this solves the scaling issue with the doc pane but the text is still just as fuzzy, as if it has been rendered at a lower resolution and then mapped onto the high DPI display.
Reboot and set it back to System Enhance perhaps...
IQ Designer


2020/09/02 12:55

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Ticking the setting at the top of the dialog box to automatically correct scaling issues seems to have no effect at all.
At the bottom of the dialog box the three settings are :-
'Application' , 'System' and 'System (Enhanced)'
System (Enhanced) gives a fuzzy enlarged document pane.
System makes the rendering problems much worse.
Application solves all the rendering problems and everything comes out sharp and crisp but all the columns are the wrong width (yes they can be re-sized) however all the icons on the toolbars and the icons in the tabs are very tiny and need a magnifying glass to identify.  If the column widths was the only problem I would choose this one because when the columns are re-sized they stay the width you set them but InfoQube really needs the option for bigger icons.  Just clicking accurately on icons this small is a problem.


2020/09/02 13:01

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

Using System Enhanced, the issue is limited to the Doc pane.
Can you try to use IE9 instead of IE11 to see if it fixes it. In Tools > Options > Document pane and restart IQ
IQ Designer


2020/09/02 13:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Using System (Enhanced) the problem is limited to the doc pane, other text in the tree and menus is clear and sharp.
Setting IE 9, IE 10 or IE11 gives the same fuzzy text but IE 9 and IE 10 don't support colour gradients.  I cannot test if the rendering of text is sharp in Internet Explorer (independent of IQ) because when I try to start Internet Explorer windows goes into 'Microsoft knows best' mode and starts Microsoft Edge instead, annoying ... this is why I use Firefox.
I have other things to do tonight so I will be offline until tomorrow morning.

Hi Paul,
What  IQ version are you using ?
In v116Pre3 through v116Pre6, I was setting a flag in IE that was causing a redraw issue. Perhaps it is causing this too. I'm about to release v116Pre7 with this fixed
IQ Designer


2020/09/02 13:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

0.9116pre6 build 20/08/2020 13:16:06


2020/09/02 13:27

In reply to by Paul_J_Miller

I'll release v116Pre7 today, let us hope it fixes this issue
IQ Designer


2020/09/05 08:42

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Updated to 0.9.116 build 04/09/2020 09:45:24
This solved all the rendering issues.  Everything is at the correct magnification and the rendering is sharp and clear.