a Files form you can add to your IQ database

Submitted by jimspoon on 2021/02/12 23:18
I just added a "Files" form to my database and I thought I'd pass it along in case anyone else might find it useful.
As you know IQ uses several different fields to hold references to files in the file system.  Three of these (are there any more?) are FileName, FilePath, and ItemHTMLFile.  ItemHTMLFile holds the path of the file that is displayed in the document pane.  FilePath and FileName hold the path and name of a file that can be loaded by double-clcking on the item, or viewed by opening an Image Viewer.
If you put these fields in a Form, a down arrow appears next to the field name in the form.  You can click on this down arrow to bring up a "Select a File" dialog (FilePath, ItemHTMLFile) or a "Browse for Folder" dialog (FilePath), to fill in these fields.
I added the URL field too and here's how my Form looks:


Hi Jim !
Good suggestion. I would add these 2 fields
  1. FileRef: Y/N: This is the field that identifies a file/folder
  2. FileFullName: T: Concatenation of FilePath and FileName. Hyperlink to the file
URL can point to a local file or a web URL. It is similar to ItemHTMLFile except that it is not linked to the Doc pane
IQ Designer


2021/02/14 17:29

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

 Thanks for the tip!  I've been experimenting with clicking that hyperlink and have been learning some things.  For example, if you change the FilePath and FileName fields, FullFileName (since it is calculated from an equation) does not immediately refresh - you have to move off the item and back and then you can click on it to load the new item.