Home Page tip(s) KeithB

Submitted by KeithB on 2021/03/20 17:35

1) I put a hyperlink to the home page as shown, to more easily edit it. I find the "..."'s a bit tricky to use, even when I remember what they are

2) I combine grid groups with the home page.

In my example, I have bookmarks and the other five grids shown marked as "homepage" in Manage Grids>Options>Groups.

Click on the homepage "homepage" link to toggle showing links to the grids; this is extremely handy to keep a list of current grids I use frequently if not daily. The "IQ:" shown is also setup to show all the IQ-related grids I have.

3) Use it to easily open card views. I currently have the card view for my "doing" grid and "IQ card view" grid as shown.

My current home page with the everything collapsed:


With everything expanded:


Here's the home page being edited in the doc pane, and the hyperlink text to the "edit this page"


Here are the card views hyperlinks:



(This is what the original post looked like in theDiscord playground):

home page tips



Tips and Tricks