Submitted by d bartlett on 2021/03/29 11:47

Hi Pierre,

When using the Hyperlink command (right-click menu or Ctlr+K) to add hyperlinks to my URL field/column in grids, I've figured out they don't work because the file name is duplicated in the hyperlink, so when I delete the duplicate + other extraneous stuff in the hyperlink, Presto, it works.   For instance see below, I've struck thru - to illustrate what I deleted - the duplicated file name and the extraneous stuff, and now the hyperlink works, first time everytime.

<a href=C:\Users\djbba\Dropbox\ICG\CCC-P2\15, Occ-Docs\00, 2019-01-26; Occ Docs Index.pdf>00, 2019-01-26; Occ Docs Index.pdf</a>


0.9.117Pre8 build



Hi Pierre (your Canadiens crushed my Oilers, very sad) - however -

I've been working in the same InfoQube database/file since about 2008/09, do you think there's a possibility it's become partially corrupted?

I would be pretty reluctant to start over again, because it's got so much relevant business stuff from over the many years.


Bug reports