New community web-site

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2008/11/16 11:24

The new community / documentation web site is now available. Users can use this forum to report problems, propose improvements.

Current features are:

  • Each user has an individual blog space
  • A forum module with similar grouping as current
  • There are books with hierarchy structure for the documentation
  • Books have printer-friendly versions
  • Documentation books can include Forum and blog posts, no need to copy/paste
  • Glossary terms are automatically highlighted in text, along with synonyms
  • Hovering over a glossary term can bring up a description bubble, complete with hyperlink to the relevant page(s)
  • Collapsible menu shows useful links (post content, recent blog/forum posts, who's online
  • New Post page shows all new / modified posts (blog, forum, books), with user-specific highlighting
  • Advanced search and fuzzy search (will catch spelling mistakes and word variations)
  • Dynamic tips from the Glossary on the main page
  • Document revision tracking - Now Improved !
  • WYSIWYG editing with complete editing feature set
  • Private messaging between users (option to opt-out)
  •  New!  Click on the "Quote" link when replying to posts (i.e. comments)

Documentation is being transfered from the wikispace to: [node:32,title="books"]

I think that this will greatly help.

You folks are extraordinary. I appreciate your efforts. Really!


Congrats with this new community tool.
Looks great, totaly in line with InfoQube
Best Regards

"I'll progressively copy documentation currently in the wikispace to Documentation here"
How do we handle any new wiki type material right now?  Do we still use the wiki as a front end for you to copy until the site is fully tested?
And will both the old forum and the old wiki still be used while? 
I like the new site a lot so far!  I can't wait to only have one login and one editor to deal with!


2008/11/16 21:33

In reply to by KeithB

Basically, do it whichever way suits you best. If you want to use the new site, go ahead. Prefer the wiki? that is fine too.
The old forum will very soon read-only, as this is the new home for IQ. I'll add a link to search the old forum for content


2008/11/18 13:48

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

just wondering is there a way to see history of edits to a book page (and any related comments) here?


2008/11/19 12:47

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Pierre : I'd personally prefer a clearer procedure... A bit confusing to check everywhere if someone wrote about something somewhere (I'm not thinking about finding info for personal usage, but wanting to add material, documentation, to what's already available... time is precious). I think it should be the wiki or here, but not both...
Also : why can't the old forum be at least partially locked (and the new one more advertised)  to encourage posters to post  here instead (I barely knew about this forum until this morning!).


2008/11/19 13:01

In reply to by Armando

Hi Armando,
  1. We're locking wikispace pages as they get imported. The only reason for this, was to iron-out the bugs in this system before making the big move. Most of those bug (small as it turned out) seem gone, so I'll now lock all pages: [edit] Done! [/edit]
  2. The old forum is now locked for new threads. I'll lock it down completely today, as this one is working fine and the registration process seems smooth. Main issue remaining is email notifications, which does not work here. I'll try to fix it in the coming days (not so bad with the New Post page)
Take some time to use this new web site, and examine how it is organized. I've spend (off and on) 5 months coming up with this concept. That said, it is not perfect just yet, and user feedback is certainly welcome.


2008/11/19 13:21

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Probably good idea to have a very LARGE notice top (& bottom?) of the old forum referring visitors here
(I knoe I didnt see the notice till after I had come here and gone back there again)

I love it... Really... This new web site... This is looking better and better.
And I especially loooooooove the glossary words appearing everywhere, etc. This should really help newcomers.
Nice, NICE work Pierre. (and I like drupal too, it seems... I like the interconected feel to it)
(Maybe make the page path a bit bigger and brighter ? ie , the  : Home » New community web-site »   path at the top of this page... But I'll put that suggestion in the other section...)


2008/11/21 10:45

In reply to by Armando

I love it... Really... This new web site... This is looking better and better.
And I especially loooooooove the glossary words appearing everywhere, etc. This should really help newcomers.
Nice, NICE work Pierre. (and I like drupal too, it seems... I like the interconected feel to it)
I agree.  I didn't use the old site much (at all?) but this site works very nicely, and the droopy thing ;) is very nice, both conceptually and in practice.
Can't give enough credit to all involved in getting this whole deal up and running.  Pierre, I am in awe of your programming acumen.  Thanks for this.
Best regards,