Submitted by Greg_M_IQ on 2021/10/18 18:19

Hi Pierre,

I am not able to edit/modify some items. I have attached a video. When I tap Enter the typed text disappears.

I first noticed this on Friday.




  1. How about editing the item using the Properties pane ? Working ?
  2. If yes, try turning of off he WYSIWYG editor of the item column. If it now works, I'll see what the issue could be


1. Edit via Properties pane: this works

2. WYSIWIG: It was on. I tried to type into the grid after using the Properties pane. It still did not work. I turned WYSIWIG off and was able to enter data into the grid. I then turned WYSIWIG on again and was able to enter into the grid. Toggle WYSIWIG seemed to fix the problem.

Bug reports