Evernote Integration

Submitted by David_H on 2021/11/16 22:21

This feature was huge for me, or I guess I should say would be huge for me, if tags and images in EN synced. I know you said you were going to do this Pierre. Maybe a Christmas present on the one year anniversary of EN sync? :-)


Hi David,

EN Tags Sync was to be the main highlight of v118, but it got pushed to v119, which may indeed start appearing around Christmas time. 🎁🎁

I'm updating the documentation for v118 features and will respond to bug report if any. Once that is done, onto v119 !

IQ Designer

Sync with EN, so that IQ could be accessed in the cloud, would have been a major, major achievement. Perhaps the single most important feature strategically for getting more new users and keeping existing ones. Whenever I've recommended IQ to people it's rejected 99% of the time because of the lack of cloud and mobile access. I don't understand why this was done 90% 2 years ago (i.e. absent image sync), and then dropped in favor of countless new features that IMHO are just icing on the cake no one was asking for :-(. Please consider prioritizing.


Hi David,

I understand your frustration, I also would like to have Evernote Sync completed

W.r.t. the delays:

  1. The subject rarely comes up on the forum, so I have no visibility as to how many users there are
  2. I use it every day, but am quite satisfied to use it only for textual content
  3. The work in the last 18 months or so were mostly requests from users (links, improved find, import/export, reminders) and bug fixes

v121 will include Tags sync, promised !

IQ Designer

I clip a lot of articles where without the photographs the articles lose relevant meaning. 

If you want to grow IQ I think you need to stop focusing on what existing users want (at least for a while), because we are not a good sample of what regular users want. My 2 cents.

Hi David,

Tag sync is part of v121Pre11 which will be online in a few hours (final tests are underway). Next step is image sync. 😮🎁👍

For those interested, Evernote is having a 50% off sale on its "Personal" plan. For just 50 $CND you get much much more than the "Free" plan !
Hurry up, sale ends tomorrow !!

IQ Designer


High Priority Features and Bug Fixes