Unified Find / Filter dialog

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2021/12/26 15:21

Hi IQ Users !

Search, Find, Filter et al are all ways to locate and collect existing content in apps.

IQ isn't short of ways to do this, each way having pros and cons. These are :
(and there may be others, but those first come to mind)

  1. Grids and other UIs, each collecting content that matches a set of criteria
  2. Grid Auto-Search (Ctrl+F3) + F3 for next match
  3. Grid Column Filter (drop-down from the column header)
  4. Grid Filter dialog (previously called Column Filter Special)
  5. Grid Filter by Selection
  6. Grid Hoist items
  7. Source Filter (and Sort as sorting is another way to find and collect content)
  8. Alphanumeric Filter Toolbar
  9. Date Filter Toolbar
  10. Live-Search UI
  11. Advanced Search pane
  12. Card View Filter
  13. Double-click on a [field] or #tag to show matching items
  14. Doc pane Ctrl+F find

With all these different methods to "find" stuff, what IQ is missing, in particular for new users, is a simple, centralized and user friendly way to do this.

Version v119 will finally provide this. 


We'll keep you posted as we progress in that direction and pre-release versions become available. Please comment on this new feature 😮👍🤞

IQ Designer 



Remotely reminds me of the Ecco search dialog. It would be great if most buttons / checkboxes had an underlined shortcut key assigned to allow quick selection / hotkeys for most used combinations. Looks excellent otherwise.

Awesome Pierre.

Pls also include tags text in the "All Text Values" option. Currently the [Search All Text Fields] option in the current Search functionality does not include tags text.

Looking forward to this

For example if I search for the word "TODAY" in Live-Search, I will be presented with all items with the text "TODAY" in the Field Text ( item, itemHTMLtext, URL etc).
I would like to also get items which do not have the word "TODAY" in the field texts but have the text "TODAY"  in the tag name.

Hope that is clear

Looks Great!

Two questions:
1. When selecting "Filter View", will it only show the items meeting the criteria and with the matching text highlighted?

2. When selecting "Select All in View", will it show all items with only the matching text selected or maybe the whole matched items selected?

Screenshot updated

Notice the new Undo button. Can be used to undo the selected action (find, select, filter, hoist)

When the find text box is empty, you can now:

  1. Select items by value (all items with the same value will be selected) Great to update values
  2. Filter by value: Same as already available Filter by selection"
  3. Hoist selected items

Just about everything to find and filter will be available through this dialog (and even some item selection stuff)



viking wrote:

I get an error when searching for "Item Text" and selecting "Show in Search Grid":

p.s. Every time I perform this identical search, a new Search Grid is created. That is probably as expected?

If I am in the Grid which shows an item with the keyword "Nadex" and select to search "Current View" instead of "Entire File", I don't get this error. However, the Search Grid is blank; no items are shown:

1. If I select Match Fields "Item Text", the Find/Filter Action shows "Select by Value" (which I assume is for "Select Column"):

After I perform the filter, it properly changes to "Select Items" and all 3 matching items are selected:

2. However, if I click "Undo" (curved arrow), the last item is still selected.


CTRL-SHIFT-G now no longer offers any dialog. It simply search using whatever column text the focus is currently on.

I'm not able to replicate the old CTRL-SHIFT-G functionality using the new Find & Filter. Guess I need to wait for the coming docs

High Priority Features and Bug Fixes