TIP: Create a Grid (Tab) with Sub-Grids (Tabs)

Submitted by viking on 2022/01/04 04:38

I wanted to collect related Grids under one common Tab. It is easier to navigate and reduces the number of open Tabs. I used the Dashboard to accomplish this. The "Main-Grid" is just a place holder for all the Sub-Grids (#1- #3 in this case):

For example, one could have 5 "Main-Grids" where each Grid held 5 Sub-Grids, A total of 50 Grids, neatly organized in 5 Main Tabs!

Of course, this multi-Tab grid could still be combined with other Grids in the same "Main-Grid" Tab:


If anyone would like to know how to create such grids, please leave a comment and I will explain step-by-step.


Thanks Pierre

Re the manual -- I had already looked for how to create a dashboard the other day and found it very difficult to find out how to do it. Would it not be logical to also add practical instructions to the Dashboards page? I'd offer to add it, but not having actually created one yet, I don't feel qualified...

Note that I made some comments in  https://infoqubeim.com/drupal5/node/4435 (admin note: Overview / dashboard / multi-view tab) back in 2019, when I tried to understand and master the dashboard concept. There's some helpful info in there, including excerpts from Pierre's book review article. I likewise think a quick reference /tips in the manual would be helpful. 


In your place holder=Overview Grid (explained section 2.3), you have pasted the copied 7 Grids.
How did you hide all parts of the Overview Grid?

In my place holder= Main Grid, the best I could do was to have the blue and gray bands right below "Items from Dummy":

EDIT: Never mind, I see now that the bottom Grid is actually part of the Overview Grid (I like that better than to have it on the top). Also, my use of the dashboard was a little different than the Book review example. I wanted to create sub-Grids (Tabs).

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