Multiple Surfaces

Submitted by KeithB on 2022/07/04 17:38

Pierre, is multiple surfaces relatively high on "the list"? 

I have my surface successfully showing some family relationships, and I want it specifically for this and I don't want to alter it.

I would now like to have another surface. I'm making a reference for my thumbpad and ; I've tried cardview and mapview for it, and it's pretty good, but I think surface would be better. 

Is the plan to have an infinite amount like the grid, or a finite amount?




Hi Keith,

Work on Surface Views has started. Basically merging the characteristics of the existing IQ Surface with Card Views 😮


IQ Designer

In v122Pre4:

  1. New: Surface: Surface Views! Implemented as a grid sub-view, the same Card Views. You can now have multiple Surfaces, one per grid


IQ Designer

High Priority Features and Bug Fixes