Submitted by WayneK on 2023/03/19 16:21

I haven't seen text touch-ups brought up in a while.  It's my #1 new feature I'd like to see because, for me, it would make daily work faster and smoother (I use text highlighting extensively).

It doesn't even have to be full text touch-ups.  I'd be happy if I could just make a tool for text backcolor.  It's easy to add other formatting because there are existing tools for them (bold etc).

If nothing else, I'd appreciate being able to change the color of the one existing highlight tool we do have.  It's exactly what I want for highlighting except the color shade is too bright.  Allowing multiple highlight tools would be a welcome bonus.




Hi Wayne,

Thanks for reminding me. But... you can do it right now 😯:

  1. Enter Customize
  2. Click on the Backcolor and drag one of the user colors to your toolbar
  3. Close Customize

Now you can click on the new icon (shown in the correct color) to apply the formatting. Note that clicking on it again does not remove the format. See this discussion on how to create a button to remove item color: Button for Text forecolor = NONE.. Note also that this only works for item color, not for text color


IQ Designer

A couple of things to look at as you're working on improvements:

1) Sometimes the colors disappear when I go to "customize", then reappear when i exit customize.

2) When I close the file and re-open it, the color tools are all blank.  I can get them back by entering and existing "customize".

Both are minor and don't interfere with using the tools.



Update = they're not working at all now. 

I got the colors to show by entering "customize" but they no longer work.  No color is added when I click on the color tool icons.  If you click on an item that already has a fill color, the existing color is removed but the new one isn't added.  I've tried it several times now.  The color tool works only during the session that it's added.  If you close and re-open the file, it no longer works.

Hi Wayne,

I've improved this in the next version. When I try it, it sticks after restarts and customize commands. Hopefully it will work for you!

IQ Designer

In v122Pre5:

  1. New: Toolbar Customize now supports creating buttons for specific colors (text color, back color). Click on a color dropdown and simply drag a user color to a toolbar. User colors are those that appear first in the list
  2. New: Grid: Option to set the Highlight color