IQ Training Session #2: Tags

Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2023/09/13 10:04

Group Training announcement and links to past sessions: Group Training Sessions

Hi IQ Users,

InfoQube has tags... yeah like GMail and so many other apps. Nothing to write home about. Right?

Yes and no... There is so much more. 😯 In this session we'll show you:

  1. How and where tags can be added to items:

    • Tags pane
    • Tags dialog
    • Tags grid column
    • Item editor
    • Copy / paste multiple tags from one item to another
    • Inline by typing ## (in both grids and the Doc pane)
    • Other UIs
  2. How tags can be used to only show relevant items:
    • From the Tags pane
    • Tag filtering in grids and other UIs
    • Filter by selection in grids
    • Live-Search
  3. Advanced features:
    • Tag inheritance
    • Using the Tags grid
    • Tag branches

If the first Group Training Session looked at 4. Links, this second one will focus on Tags. To prepare for this session, read all about it here: 3. Tags and here: 7. Tags Pane

This Thursday, September 14th, 14h00 ET:

IQ Designer

Tips and Tricks