Submitted by rbmcgrath on 2024/03/22 19:57

It is not as simple as copying MYAUXILIARYBRAIN.SNDB from the ..\InfoQubeV122qPortable\AppFiles\MYAUXILIARYBRAIN.SNDB.SNDB.Files to ..\InfoQubeV124.6Portable\AppFiles\MYAUXILIARYBRAIN.SNDB.SNDB.Files.  When I double-click my SNDB file in the new V124.6 folder, the V122q version of IQ runs.

Perhaps related is the attached screenshot of the options for the V122q file containing a .Files path for the V124.6 copy of my SNDB file.

What is the complete set of steps needed to move the SNDB file from one portable version folder to another?  Does the INI file need to be edited with the new file path?  Is required DB status information saved in other locations in the InfoQubeV122qPortable folder structure?


(The "Add a new file" feature is not working. A 136KB JPG file will not load.)





Welcome to the community forum. This is a Windows thing... you need to associate the SNDB file type with a different exe file. This can be done in many ways, but the easiest way is to right-click on the SNDB file and select Open With... and browse to select the new EXE file

As to the file attach issue, indeed, this Drupal installation needs an upgrade... boy, so much to do and this isn't my specialty... by no means

IQ Designer

How do I ?