Program opening on 2nd monitor

Submitted by WayneK on 2024/05/22 11:17

Since updating to 125.5, InfoQube has started opening on my second monitor instead of the main monitor.  

I don't open, close, or use InfoQube on the second monitor.  The second monitor is almost always turned off, and has to be turned on to move the InfoQube window over to the main monitor.

Probably controlled by Windows but it just started doing it with 125.5 and no other programs are doing it.


Win 10, 125.5


Indeed,   this how Windows incorrectly handles maximized apps... bbasically ignoring what monitor it is on.

So ensure the iq window is NOT maximized, move it to the correct monitor, then close the app. Once you reopen it, it will be on the correct monitor and you can maximize it

Bug reports