Submitted by Greg_M_IQ on 2024/08/15 18:54

I am synching with Google tasks. Is there a field in IQ that corresponds to the time field in Google Tasks?

Update: I just discovered the answer in the help file ...

6.1 Task Due with Date and Time

On the web and in mobile apps, tasks due date can include a specific time. This time is not available to the API used by InfoQube. As a consequence:

  • In IQ, due date do not have a time component
  • If a task is modified in IQ, the time component will be lost after a sync


Hi Greg,

Indeed, if you need time information, you must use events instead (so sync a date field with a Google Calendar, it could be a new calendar, used only for tasks, such as IQTasks or something like it)

How do I ?