Make vertical tab bar detachable / its own "pane"

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2024/12/09 12:08

I'd like to have the tab bar vertically at the left of my dashboard, then 1-2 detached panes, then the grid shows what is selected via the tab bar in the center, then some more detached panes. Currently (with vertical tabs), the tabs need to be right next to the tab-switchable grid pane. This means that either this combined element needs to be at the very left or, if it isn't, dragging and dropping items to detached panes that are on the other side of the tab bar / grid "pane" is very iffy as the tab bar will switch the displayed grid when dragging items over the tab bar.

Alternatively, perhaps you could include an option to set a time limit for which the mouse pointer has to rest over the tab when dragging before the hovered-over tab is activated?



Options 1.6.7/.8 control the timing of hiding / showing panes, I believe. However, I am not using hidden panes. Instead, I find that the vertical tab bar (which I much prefer over horizontal) gets in the way when you have panes on the far side of the tab bar, i. e. when the tab bar is between the main grid and a pane or panes that you want drag&drop interaction with.

The screenshot shows my current layout. I have recently added the A_Week pane to the left of the main grid, which I am finding very useful. Before, I used to have the weekday tickler headings at the top of the main grid but dragging stuff back and forth from there required a lot of unnecessary (as it turns out) drag-up-to-scroll and scrolling back down with the mouse wheel. Now I can simply drag stuff back and forth from A_Week to A_Action and the other way round to group it under the upcoming weekdays or bring it back to today's / tomorrow's todo list.

When I wrote the post, I had the tab bar on the left of A_Action and when dragging items over the bar from A_Action to A_Week, tabs were often activated by accident and I had to click focus back to A_Action after completing drag and drop. I have since moved the tab bar to sitting vertically at the right of the main grid, but now it interferes when I want to drag items from the main grid into the calendar (which I do much less often). Ideally for me, it would sit vertically on the left of the A_Week pane while still allowing me control over what grid is shown in the central area, not the one next to the tab bar (if it could be moved to the extreme left position). On the other hand, perhaps I should simply go back to having a horizontal tab bar, but I really like having that bit more of vertical screen space for the grid.

By the way, the bar at the top right was made with PowerPro by Bruce Switzer, a nifty tool. Clicking on the bar's buttons sends customized commands to InfoQube or other programs. The leftmost button, for example, opens a monthly view of Google calendar (synced with IQ) in the browser. The red and the green one allow me to go back and forth between positions I visited in InfoQube. The dark grey ones are just larger versions of IQ's calendar controls. The remaining ones enter certain templates of items in the current grid.

Left, can you give a very quick rundown of when you use powerpro and when you use autohotkey (for IQ purposes) ? I haven't used powerpro since before 2009 when I started dabbling in autohotkey and didn't realize it's still around. Is it worth going down the rabbit hole to try to find powerpro and use it for IQ for nifty menus like you're showing here?

Hi Left,

Got it. It is not possible to dock a pane where you'd like. Apart from the extra distance to drag-drop, the vertical tabs do not cause an issue AFAICT. 

I'm using horizontal tabs but turned off Show Title bar. It also turns off the Windows Taskbar (not sure why, but it does most of the time) which, in particular for Windows 11, is a real bonus (on Windows 10 I had the Taskbar on the left, but in MS wisdom, they removed that feature... win some, lose some like they say...)


IQ Designer

Hm, are you saying, by "extra distance to drag-drop", do you mean dragging the item all the way around the vertical tab bar? But you can reproduce the tabs being activated even when trying to drag items across the vertical tab bar to a pane on the other side?

Apparently, there is a workaround for the taskbar issue in Win 11, but it involves downloading a program called "Explorer Patcher" from github. Not sure if that is a road you'd care to go down...

I see, I guess I just happened to drag over the current tab, so it didn't switch. In the next version:

  • New: Workspace: When dragging an item over a workspace tab, the tab will not be selected immediately. It is then now possible to drag over vertical tabs without causing a change in tab shown


Thanks, that will fix the drag-over-vbar issue. However, whenever you actually do want to drag items to another grid and need to hover over the tab briefly to be able to drop the item(s) into the target grid, it will slow things down. So not sure of the overall effect. This is why I said perhaps I should go back to a horizontal tab bar.
