It would be helpful for me to be able to do perform frequently used item-related commands like 'copy / cut as IQ items' or 'delete from file' and 'remove from current location' directly without having to send numbers to the popup-dialog.
Still hoping this option…
Still hoping this option will be available soon.
Another suboptimal (for me) aspect of the status quo is that e. g. for the Paste Special dialog, the numbers of the options depend on the clipboard's contents. So if I want to paste an IQ item I've previosuly cut and the current clipboard has plain text only, plain text is option 1 and IQ item is option 2. However, when the clipboard has HTML, IQ item becomes option 3. It would be more efficient, I think, to use initals instead of numbers for the options, e. g. p, h and i or something. Alternatively, reserve 2 for HTML and 3 for IQ items, regardless of clipboard contents. I've tried parsing the text of the dialog popup with Autohotkey but that's a very iffy workaround.
Many thanks!