I just discovered that I've lost many sub-items that I thought were assigned to multiple parents.
1) Start with an item and sub-item in one grid, and a 2nd item in another grid =
2) Assign Sub-item to grid-2. This grid now has two top-line items =
3) In grid-2, move "Sub-item 1" underneath Parent-2. Note that sub-item loses its assignment to Parent-1 in grid-1 =
Is this the way it's supposed to work? I don't understand the logic of removing the item from grid-1. Why would it lose its parent assignment there when its moved under a parent in a completely different grid?
How do I ?
Fixed in the next version: …
Fixed in version v1.126.5:
All users are encouraged to upgrade as this is considered a significant bug (though it most likely has been there for many versions).
Thanks Wayne for reporting
Thanks for your prompt…
Thanks for your prompt attention, Pierre.