Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/04/28 19:44
According to the thread @ How to set up gmail smtp server
I am supposed to be able to click on an email link to call my email client (Thunderbird)
I tried this both in a grid cell & form data column.
Nothing happened
Same for right clicking on an email & clicking the email icon
Is there a problem or am I missing something?
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


maybe it's related to some settings or something from that other thread Jan -
it works fine here - in my working install and my "vanilla" test install - but I havent changed any of the settings AFAIK
I'm also using TBird btw


2009/04/29 06:56

In reply to by Tom

Tom, thanks for your reply.
Just to be sure we're on the same page so to speak,
I'mworking from the email grid as supplied by IQ.
For example, there are some non-email characters like "\name\ <address>" in the sender cell. 
This may be preventing IQ from seeing it as a link.
I don't know.
Maybe Pierre will have an idea about this extra characters
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/04/29 07:56

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

>I'mworking from the email grid as supplied by IQ
Humm... there is no email grid in the sample database


2009/04/29 08:30

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

ok... so I said it badly.
I created a grid using the email fields supplied by IQ.
The point of the post is the send function is not not working here for some reason & I'm trying to find a solution
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/04/29 08:17

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Well ...
I have an "Emails" grid - were we prompted to create one when adding the Thunderbird plugin maybe?
it only seems to work from the EMail Field
if there is any other info in a cell than the email address it doesnt work here


2009/04/29 09:00

In reply to by Tom

That seems to be the problem, Tom.  Thank you.
If there is anything in that cell, the call doesn't work.
Sooooo it would appear that the TB email extension needs to parse out the email address only & place it in the proper cell
so, for example if I list my email address as
Jan Rifkinson <>
that the extension just deposits the in the proper place
then the process will work perfectly, adding another convenience to IQ
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1


2009/04/29 09:06

In reply to by Tom

Case: Email field (system field marked as being a hyperlink).
  1. If an email is entered (and nothing else) it works fine in grid and the properties pane. Single-click to open your mail client
  2. If there is text before / after the email
    1. In the properties pane, if you click on the extra text, editing starts. If you click on the email, the mail client opens
    2. In the grid, a single-click either starts editing or opens the mail client (will fix this). If editing, double-click will open the mail client (twice, I'll fix this too)