structured blog

Submitted by ekzept on 2009/05/25 22:25
My most adventurous use of InfoQube will be at work.  There I currently have a blog of sorts -- a file opened by a text editor.  There I paste memos to myself about how things are done, and opinions to myself about why things work or don't, and how to improve things.
I also do a lot of data analysis at work, and numerical experiments.  There are always side issues to record here, not just results.  Experiments need all the feeds to them documented, precise versions, source code, etc. That's being done in the blog, in email, in R workspaces, in R history files, and on a Wiki. It's really kind of inconvenient.
So, in addition to using IQ out for GTD-type scheduling and such, I'll be applying it to these problems.  I expect that will be a challenge for it.
My two other IQ installations are at home, intending to replace Ecco Pro where I have it installed.  Before that can really happen, I need to be able to move all the data I have in Ecco to IQ, something which I haven't been able to do yet.  I'd do it using copy-and-paste, but that doesn't seem to work either. 
So, work is where I'll use IQ most, at least for now.
I anticipate great things.


Check out IQ main menu
File | Import | EccoPro file
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-1