
Submitted by KeithB on 2009/07/30 06:16
How do I insert emoticons in a forum post?  (insert embarrassed emoticon here, if I knew how!)


see the mouse arrow on the right-hand side      


2009/07/30 10:20

In reply to by Tom

see the mouse arrow on the right-hand side      
I apparently have no feelings!  (I'd insert a sad icon here if I could).  Here's what I see on my system:


2009/07/30 11:03

In reply to by KeithB

 I apparently have no feelings!  (I'd insert a sad icon here if I could).  Here's what I see on my system:
>  I apparently have no feelings!
there's a fairytale in there somewhere Keith !
I dunno, could it be something in profile settings ?
Have a look in My Account > Edit
the first setting there is a drop-down "Rich Text Editor settings" -
maybe then 'Start toolbar expanded' needs selöection ? or maybe something is disabled - they all active here except for the popup windo for editing


2009/07/30 11:46

In reply to by KeithB

Please try it now. I changed the editor settings in your account


2009/07/30 12:18

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Please try it now. I changed the editor settings in your account
[/quote] It looks like DrupalBasic and DrupalFull doesn't show the icon. DrupalFiltered does show it now.   Does Drupalfull have anything I'd be likely to use?

Thanks Tom.  I changed the skin from office 2003 to default to make the looks similar to yours. Then I changed the toolbar from DrupalFull to DrupalFiltered, which made the icon show up. etc.
Hopefully no one notices that -- link to nonexistent node ID 92 -- only matches one specific setup.