Hi Pierre,
As one who is struggling with IQ (and bumbling through this forum writing duped posts
) I have to say the dilution (Read: "improvement") of InfoQube's "this is way too over-the-top" of a learning curve" reputation is very important to keep user's that "testdrive" IQ.

I am persuaded a fresh-out-of-the-box intuitive, straightforward (Read: "familiar") ability to create/save a simple text/RTF "document" accompanied by an immediate no-frills cross-linking and tagging functionality would go a long way in providing noobs (like me) the necessary "training-wheels" that would allow one to stay upright until one can get their balance with InfoQube.
Perhaps starting with a default config of suppressed functionality which can be enhanced as the user gains confidence and understanding and wishes to swwim in deeper waters would be advisable.
Even as a noob I can see amazing potential, but this is my third time at bat with SQLNotes/InfoQube and it's the bottom of the nith with two outs for me. I am either going to hit a home run or strike out, but personally I am gonna keep on swingin' 'til they drag me to the dugout!. 
I'm persuaded other, less intrepid sojourners into the "Qube" will certainly find inducements to seek "easier," albeit, less accomplished tools as an alternative if they can not see past the aliyah they will have to negotiate to make IQ work.
In simple terms, it will do no good to attract a customer to IQ if you can't keep 'em and you can't keep 'em if you don't give them something they can use right now.
Hope this helps,