Tom's request - improve wikitag selection

Submitted by Tom on 2009/08/25 16:34
[edit 2010-02-12]
[quote=Tom]To summarise my requests (& bump)

could you duplicate the drop-down Wikitag selection from the Add New Item dialogue to the Wikitag field in the grid?
1) each {wikitag} on a separate line
2) ability to select multiple tags (tickbox)

3) sort tags alphabetically (not currently done in the drop-down Wikitag selection in the Add New Item dialogue)
[/quote] [/edit]

At the moment I'm trying to tag (wikitag) things - it's driving me mad, it's painful, it's slow   : (
So (at the moment) my only request is that adding wikitags would be improved. This from Mantis # 681 (third note)

> I see wikitags now work as a drop down list if auto-list is selected.

the drop down list shows e.g.
{field wall}
{drain}{bog wall}{hatch}

i.e. it's reading cells that have more than one wikitag and presenting these in the list.
Obviously it would be preferable if it showed each tag on a separate line [ i.e. each as a separate choice ]

If this were fixed & also the possibility to add multiple tags from the list, it would be a big advance in tagging :)

 i.e. also the option to select multiple tags from the drop-down list
This would make tagging usable -
IMO it is currently not usable on a daily basis on any scale other than for occasional use


while I'm at it I'll add a new request  :-)
the ability to sort wikitags in the Wikitag field alphabetically - this may be impossible, but would make it much easier to 'read' the field especially for an item with a lot of tags.


2009/08/26 13:46

In reply to by Tom

There was another Mantis issue about this -- don't have the time to look for it right now... but we weren't speaking about WikiTags at the time -- only categories. However, the concept is similar in the IQ context. I actually never use the WikiTags as they were designed because it's to unintuitive and slow at the moment. I do take advantage of the WikiTags field though as I like the ability to "tag" (add categories) in the "add item" (win-n) dialog -- so I basically moved all my "category" field contents to the WikiTags field (an easy thing to do in IQ, fortunately !)


2009/08/27 04:09

In reply to by Armando

in the mantis issue mentioned above you say: similar to #0070 ( )
I'm embarrassed to say I've never looked closely at the wiki selection thingy in the Add item dialogue box - I dont normally use that dialogue much - and when I do (web capture) I'm not tagging that stuff. I'm mostly tagging file links or items already within the 'system'.
my request could be rephrased to:-
could you duplicate the drop-down Wikitag selection from the Add Item dialogue -> to the Wikitag field in the grid?
  1. It has each tag on a unique line and the capability to select multiple tags.
  2. A further request (as above) is that these be sorted in alphabetical order


2009/10/14 12:28

In reply to by Tom

I'm bumping this request in the hopes ... here's a note I added to Mantis 681
[quote=Tom]To summarise my requests (& bump - with apologies)

could you duplicate the drop-down Wikitag selection from the Add New Item dialogue to the Wikitag field in the grid?
1) each {wikitag} on a separate line
2) ability to select multiple tags (tickbox)

3) sort tags alphabetically (not currently done in the drop-down Wikitag selection in the Add New Item dialogue)
I have given up using wikitags because of this (it's just not user friendly enough for use with many tags without this ability)
and I miss them


2010/02/12 07:09

In reply to by Tom

Pierre, is this a difficult thing to implement ?
I added the summary to post one

[quote=Tom]To summarise my requests (& bump)

could you duplicate the drop-down Wikitag selection from the Add New Item dialogue to the Wikitag field in the grid?
1) each {wikitag} on a separate line
2) ability to select multiple tags (tickbox)

3) sort tags alphabetically (not currently done in the drop-down Wikitag selection in the Add New Item dialogue)