Quick search display does not include "Shown In" data
Submitted by jan_rifkinson
on 2009/09/09 16:50
In v.09.24-F
Quick search display does not include "Shown In" data on my machine
no filter from that column is engaged
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
Same here.
(Pierre : the search grid seems more responsive though... Which I very much prefer. IMO, speed is most important in "quick search". Other grids can be used for "slow" search.)
In regard to the bug in "Shown-In" -- I made a little experiment. When I expanded the grid and then searched, the proper grid would appear in the "shown-in" (even after closing the grid), Then I collapsed the grid so the item that was searched was no longer visible. Now, when I searched in the quick search, the "shown-in" field would appear empty.
Update: after downloading the newest version of IQ, I can' t see any data in "show-in" column, and I can't repeat the above "experiment".
> When I expanded the grid and then searched, the proper grid would appear in the "shown-in" (even after closing the grid), Then I collapsed the grid so the item that was searched was no longer visible.
Yes, this is a current limitation of the "shown in" field. At the moment, if an item is not "currently" displayed in the grid.
Pierre has some ideas on how to solve that -- he might comment... -- and I believe that this will be improved in a future version.
The bug as reported does not seem to account for the situation in which NO DATA appears in the 'shown in' field (i.e. for any item), as per Jay's UPDATE above and my current experience as well. Just thought I should draw attention to that.
>The bug as reported does not seem to account for the situation in which NO DATA appears in the 'shown in' field (i.e. for any item),
I thought that was fixed, isn't it ? in the quick search dialog here, the shown in column is populated with grid names when appropriate (ie : last time the grids were saved/closed, they were displaying these items).
I don't know if it's been fixed but I do know that I get search results in which the item appears in no grid. I'm not quite sure how this is actually possible unless the 'inbox' or 'journal' is discounted. In my case Journal = inbox
I don't know if it's been fixed but I do know that I get search results in which the item appears in no grid. I'm not quite sure how this is actually possible unless the 'inbox' or 'journal' is discounted. In my case Journal = inbox
I find it confusing as well Jan
- I think Armando was referring though to the bug where no data shows [edit] [/edit]
In the quick search box -
I just did a random search & selected a random item - it says it's in Maps & Search grids -
it's actually in three other grids as well (as TLI)
TO be displayed in the shown in column, an item has to be effectively shown in the grid, and the grid needs to be closed/saved (grid>save) with the item showing. It seems to work here.
I agree that it's not terribly useful though -- the mantis issue confirms it.
- I think Armando was referring though to the bug where no data shows[edit]