Submitted by Jon on 2009/09/28 09:03
Currently, when copying outlines from IQ and pasting into another program, the outliine format is lost. Similarly, when copying a structured outliine from another program (say Ecco Pro, NoteMap, Brainstorm or WordPerfect), pasting into IQ creates an outline with alll TLIs. Can this be fixed?


I'm assuming you already know but just in case:
saving to html saves the outline format which can be collapsed or open.
I am currently importing data from UltraRecall in OHM format that preserves URp's outline format
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/09/28 09:58

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Hi Jan:
Yeah, I know. It's just that it is so clunky. IQ is a modern program, but in this regard it is unable to do what others have done for years.
Thanks for your interest and your advice.


2009/09/28 11:35

In reply to by Armando

Thank you Armando

The new Edit>>Paste Special can copy in tab-indented outline. This format pastes very well in Ecco Pro
I'll add an HTML clipboard format too, so pasting in Word, Outlook would use bullets


2009/10/31 01:00

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Just tried it and it works well too ! Nice... Much easier to transfer info to my partners !
Many thanks!


2009/10/31 03:04

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I'll add an HTML clipboard format too, so pasting in Word, Outlook would use bullets
Done !


2009/11/01 01:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Works very well ! Nice feature. Thanks.