Submitted by Armando on 2009/10/07 04:08
if an item colour is not set in the general IQ Options, it blocks the multiple column table format html export (NOT the "bullet only" outline one for single columns).
So basically all "itemcolor" vb codes like "&H6DB6B6" will disrupt the export.
Can anybody confirm that ?


(here are the steps :
1- In a grid, select an item
2- open properties pane (F4)
3- find "itemcolor" and write &HC0C0C0 (this is the code for a light grey color)
4- select a bunch of items
5- in the  File menu ->print preview ; in the dialog select "Selected items and columns (optionally with the HTML pane content)"
6- check the "Output file" text box from the HTML export window to make sure everything's ok
7- click "Save and Preview"

Confirmed and fixed in the coming release. (any explicitly set color will cause this. i.e. entering the hex code of the color, as opposed to the color name as defined in Tools>>Options)


2009/10/12 23:58

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

ok... thanks !
Another thing. Not big, but if I define the "black" color in the options (Black|&H000000), IQ crashes instantly. I don't think anybody would do that, but, just in case this would have an impact / and help fix some other bug
I'm actually not sure about what does it... But it could be related to the qty of colors defined. This makes IQ crash instantly :


2009/10/13 00:08

In reply to by Armando

Confirmed and fixed in the coming release. String longer than 255 chrs caused this issue.