Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2009/10/24 23:39
I've enhanced the item color (i.e. the backcolor) to support a color selector, in addition to the named colors (which I hope, one day, be able to show an icon of the correct color ):
Notice also at the end, a new entry: More Colors... It opens a nice color selector dialog:
 Also fixed, the current item color is now selected:
(in this case, the first item is selected and its color is the named color "Powder"


Well, here it is (finally!):
As a context menu:
Pulled away as a floating toolbar:


2009/10/25 12:13

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

yeah, really nice.
Pierre, IMO, this is the kind of thing IQ needs more of to make it more user friendly especially in the search, filter, sorting, source areas
I know I sound like a broken record. Sorry
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/10/25 12:24

In reply to by jan_rifkinson

Yes, I know and I hear what you're saying. If I only had 48 hrs in a day...


2009/10/25 13:45

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I understand. Me, too.  Your friendly nag.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/10/27 09:24

In reply to by Armando

Nice! I use ColorCop for color picking (from the screen)