Submitted by Armando on 2009/11/14 01:53
All my equations + autoassignment using these functions don't work anymore...
e.g. : the functions leave some "-1" and "0" in the text fields everytime I use them (instead of empty field or just the text that's supposed to be there...)
I have some -1 and 0 in many places in the DB now...


Put that in a Y/N field:
A:WIKITag=AddKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOjoul") | A:WIKITag=AddKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOmi") | A:WIKITag=AddKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOPERL") | E:WIKITag=RemoveKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOjou") | E:WIKITag=RemoveKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOmi") | E:WIKITag=RemoveKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOPERL")
When you checl the Y/N field, you should get, in the WikiTag field :  tgsOjoul tgsOmi tgsOPERL
When you uncheck the Y/N field, you should get, in the WikiTag field :  l  -1
I got it. the problem is that I have a few fields which names = keywords... In this case, I have a field called "tgsOPERL". This conflicts with the functions and it results with an added "0" or "-1" in the WikiTag field (in this specific case).
BUT, even if I change the keywords or field names, I still get the extra "|" when more than one keyword is added or removed (like in the above example).


2009/11/15 14:37

In reply to by Armando

Is this resolved ?


2009/11/15 17:18

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

> Is this resolved ?
No, not really. Like I said in the "Edit" part :
1- using a keyword that's the same as a field name will result in adding -1 or 0  when that keyword is added or removed (to/from the field targeted by the addkeyword function). See my example.
2- Adding more than one keyword (eg : A:WIKITag=AddKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOjoul") | A:WIKITag=AddKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOmi") | A:WIKITag=AddKeyword(WIKITag, "tgsOPERL") ) will also add "|" add the end whether the keyword is the same as another field name or not. (Which is not wanted or expected). See example.


2009/11/15 17:40

In reply to by Armando

OK. and this worked correctly in H4?


2009/11/16 15:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Hmmm... not sure. It might very well be that I just didn't noticed until now... (The WikiTag field just recently replaced the category field in my setting... and so WikiTag values weren't present in many grids...)
[Edit : last sentence was unreadable... sorry. Had to edit it...  BTW : is the bug reproduceable on your side ?]