Submitted by Tom on 2009/11/17 09:15
[I wanted to post just about one minor GUI aspect but thought I'd keep the thread title general so it might be useful in future]
Often when using IQ (especially with dualpane), I cant see the full width of the grids sourcebar.
The refresh button stays visible
My request is that the Refresh tooltip show what the grid is being sorted by (or what the grid will be sorted by on refresh i.e. what in the sortbox)
Click to refresh grid
Sort: ItemCreated
Pierre I realise GUI isnt high on the list at the moment but I can add this to Mantis if you think it's possible (I know it would be very helpful !)


I've reworked the source bar display a bit... and I'm debating getting rid of the A and D buttons, as they are on other toolbars (and the C and H similar buttons are not there anyway).
What do you all think about this idea ?


2009/11/20 05:12

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I've reworked the source bar display a bit... and I'm debating getting rid of the A and D buttons, as they are on other toolbars (and the C and H similar buttons are not there anyway). [/quote] I'd say go for it


2009/11/20 06:38

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

That would be fine.
However I think my ideal would be:  make the 3 boxes individually resizeable, (that way my source box wouldn't be over twice as long as the longest source),
Would it be possible to make the whole area support  dropping buttons icons onto? (Or perhaps a target area of the righthand side only)  That way you could optionally put the A D C H buttons onto it, and perhaps a most-used button or two?


2009/11/20 18:57

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I don't mind having the GUI -- source bar in particular -- reworked, but I really whish that this work is done in accordance with a "broader GUI vision".
In my suggestion #10 (Armando's list.), I mention that
[...] it's still hard for new users (and even experienced ones) to clearly see which filters are active (it's a UI thing, but not only...), which ones are not, and how they affect the items in the grid, etc. This is especially difficult because of the source notion and the idea that not all items have to meet the source to be in a grid... but also because it's just not obvious to a new user to see which filters are active, in terms of UI
I had already made suggestions a long long time ago in issue 154 . There have been a few discussions on the topic (one involving Jerome, Tom, me : What clever (and simple) UI device would improve the understanding of filters interactions in a grid ?  which seemed to go un-noticed...). All active filters should be extremely visible -- "in your face" like.


2009/11/20 19:29

In reply to by Armando

This did not go un-noticed, but, the time I wanted to spend on this issue right now, is on the scale of a few hours, not a few days. The more major work will be done, but after the completing the key components I'm working on now.


2009/11/20 19:51

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

This did not go un-noticed, but, the time I wanted to spend on this issue right now, is on the scale of a few hours, not a few days. The more major work will be done, but after the completing the key components I'm working on now.
Sometimes it's not easy to know if a thread with lots of ideas/energy has been somewhat "acknowledged".