Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/12/01 09:05
Pierre, I note that there is another thread that outlines an address book problem. I, too, just came across a problem from within my contact list grid but think it's different so
i started a new thread. i was able to reproduce this.
Grid = contact list
grid source = all items
grid filter = contact list (boolean)
sort = item asc
5 tabs open including calendar
3 panes open including: html, grid, calendar
focus on contact name w children
create new child
click on apptdate field to set (contact appt)
program freezes
Edited 12/01/09 01:56 pm: This occurs even if calendar is not open & extends to other dates, ex: duedate as well. Since I use this kind of function quite often in my day, I've sadly been forced to revert to the latest stable beta.
Edited 12/03/09 10:50 am: This occurred again when rapid clicking on date cell in grid (had to restart program)
closing / re-opening grid sometimes works but same pattern will repeat
eventually user has to re-start program
If other info is necessary, I will gladly provide such.



2009/12/01 17:40

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thank you very much, Pierre.   Back to pre release 9.25 for me. :-)
Edited 12/01/09 05:38 pm: don't know if this is normal but entering recurring appt in calendar is very sluggish in accepting data (maybe IQ has a lot of work to do & this is to be expected). It seems like it should be faster but i have no experience (only expectation)  to compare by.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2