Submitted by Jon on 2009/12/16 07:46
OPML import does not seem to work for me. Since I cannot get structured text (tab-indented) to copy / paste directly into IQ as an outline, I thought I could use Brainstorm as an intermediate step. I copied my text iinto Brainstorm then exported to OPML. IQ does not recognize this as a valiid OPML file and therefore I cannot import from Brainstorm. Now as far as I know, Brainstorm's OPML structure folllows standards and I have no difficulty importing from Brainstorm into other applications. Finally, I cannot seem to import OPML into IQ from any other application either. 
Am I doing something wrong?
P.S. I'm using Pre-release 6.


This is correct. The OPML/OML import currently only works for URp. If you supply me with a sample OPML file from Brainstorm, I'll be able to add that import.


2009/12/16 09:56

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Sure. I'll email the file to you directly. Thank you.


2009/12/16 11:28

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

And as a gentle reminder, Pierre, still missing for this import are links & dates.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2


2009/12/16 13:11

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Done (in pre-rel7)


2010/03/15 21:46

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Last time I tried using IQ, which was with 0.9.25Pre-Rel18, I tried importing a large OPML file, and after several minutes, it finally imported, but not correctly. Many items that had been several levels deep into the hierarchy shifted to become top-level items, for instance. I tried importing the same file in Bonsai, and it went much faster and came out more accurate, but still with some problems. I then tried the same file in OmniOutliner and it worked perfectly. I don't recall at this point what I used to general the file. Is OPML supposed to work generally now or just with certain OPML sources? I could send in the file if that would be helpful.
Lucas D


2010/03/15 21:58

In reply to by lucasd

Yes, please send the file. I'll test the OPML import with it.


2010/03/30 00:01

In reply to by lucasd

Hi Lucas,
I tried your file and it imported correctly, albeit slowly. 4 main items and a total of 1856 items.
I'll use this file to improve the import speed.
What import options did you use? I used the following:
  • Add TLI only to grid : AdrsBook (could have used any other one)
  • Add all items to fields : (none)