Quick Search problem

Submitted by Armando on 2009/12/16 14:06
I thought I had mentioned this bug before but realized I have not.
1- ctrl-f to open the quick search dialog
2- type and select items in the quick search result grid. Click "Go" or press enter..
"Search" grid opens, displaying the selected items. fine.
Leave the grid open and start the same process again.
(1- ctrl-f to open the quick search dialog
2- type and select items in the quick search result grid. Click "Go" or press enter..)
The search grid's filter won't be updated.


BTW I noticed that for each request involving the scratch grid, IQ will open a new scratch grid. This is a nice option. The same could be done for search IMO. It could be an option in the grid options, of course.

Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA
HP Blackbird Vista Ultimate SP-2

Confirmed and fixed... plus I've got a surprise for you...


2009/12/20 10:53

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Confirmed and fixed... plus I've got a surprise for you...