Submitted by JJSlote on 2009/12/16 17:29
I know we can filter the grid to a particular IDItem, but don't see an easy way to "GoTo" that item within the active grid, as if we pasted in an internal link like" <a 2442>2442</a>" and clicked on it. 
Excel has the feature on Ctrl-G, with recent GoTo's available to select. The need comes up when I'm working on the data link in Excel, seeing an Item to update in IQ with IDItem as key. Suggestions?



A GOTO might be good.
What I usually use for quick "GOTO" -- if possible :
- the properties pane : the sibbling (or even "parents") section allows one to jump rapidly to an item ("search as you type").Clicking on it brings you to the corresponding item in the grid. If it's not possible because of the various filters, it'll open the scratch grid
- Ctrl-f3 (Auto-Search) : enables search as you type in the focused column column. Only drawback : item needs to be visible.


2009/12/16 19:04

In reply to by Armando

Thanks, Armando. Looks like Ctrl-F3 handles the task reasonably well. But with the engine already in place for hyperlinks, I think a keyboard GoTo would be an ease-of-use improvement with commercial appeal.


I really like the "GoTo"  idea--even simply adding another option to the Grid>Goto of IDItem would be helpful.
What I do presently:  Drag the IDItem over as a grid column, then:
 sort on the IDItem column and visually pick out the IDItem# you see in excel. or
(what I usually do)  filter the IDItem column with "show column filter" (Ctrl+G), and either pick it or type it in.