Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2009/12/29 09:43
Let's say I want to make contact list a focus of much of my day, i.e. link my activities to items in contact list automatically. Example:
Contact List TLI's in Contact List / alphabetized A > Z
so now I'm in my Journal & I take a note for myself
entry 1 = 12/29/09 09:38 am asked Pierre & Keith about alphabetizing contact list
entry 2 = 12/29/09 09:39 am (I work fast ) emailed Tom re: his vision of IQ
Question: would it be possible to automatically assign
entry 1 to Contact List TLI's Pierre & Keith as sub-items
entry 2 to Contact List TLI Tom as sub-item
So that when I look @ Pierre or Keith or Tom (sorry Armando) in my Contact list, I will see these entries?
Thank you.
Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield CT USA


I wouldn't know how to do that... But one thing is for sure, you'd have to specify conditions for it to work. I guess that the implied condition in your example are :
if item A contains "y" word, put it under this other item B
"y" being Tom or Pierre (and not Armando, of course...).
I face the same problem. Let's talk about tasks and projects : I want tasks related to certain projects to be put under certain items automatically.
For task and projects, I solved the problem "semi automatically" for now.
1- Each task that i create have a field called "project" where I define a name for the project (this column is my task grid).
These project names are memorized in and auto-list of the project field so that every time I click on the field, I don't need to retype the name and make typos.
(Note that I also use AutoHotkey to automate typing projects, Wikitags, etc.) 
2- When I look for tasks related to a certain project, I don't need to go dig into the Project Grid's  hierarchies. Since all tasks related to a project have a specific project name assigned to them, I just need to look for the right project name to have all relevant tasks appear in a grid.
Your project field could also have an auto list which would be populated with projects only.
You could create a grid you'd never touch, which source and filters would make the grid display only current project.
Then, in the auto list text box of the project field, you'd have something like :
SELECT Project FROM ProjectGrid
(Project is a field name and ProjectGrid would be your project grid.)
For contacts, it could be a bit more complicated, but... Not necessarily. You'd just need a "Contact name" field. That field could list all contacts contained in your address book.
In the auto list text box, you'd have to put something like :
SELECT Name FROM adrsbook
(Name is a field and adrsbook is a grid name.)
Pierre might have better suggestions.
[Edit : changed some stuff : I made some mistakes and it was poorly formulated... sorry.]