Submitted by Armando on 2010/02/05 14:12
I know that there are some issues in relation to hierarchical calculations. Some of them were put in Mantis I believe or mentioned herer -- will check that out later.
However, some things seem just wrong. But maybe am I not getting something.
Example :
1- a TLI with sub items  has as the hierarchy equation of task%complete : "parents = avg ((children))"
2- all subs have some values in the task%complete field
3-  I remove all sub-items
4- The average remained unchanged (no recalc) in task%complete, even it it should change (yes, it should).
Fine, I know there is an issue (I think it's a pretty major one, no?) with removing children and re-calc. This has been mentioned before.
However, I think the user should be able to correct the miscalculation by pressing shift-F9 on the task%complete field, but it doesn't work (I put the focus on the TLIs task%complete cell, as I should).
But it doesn't work.
Tried some workarounds:
- If I create an empty sub and use touch on the task%complete field, it doesn't work either.
- If I set "For row and hierarchy equations, treat "No values" as 0", it doesn't change anything either
In all cases, I'm left with deleting the wrong calculation myself.


I believe I've got all these issues fixed in 0.9.25pre-rel17.