Submitted by ThomR on 2010/03/03 09:59
In the 'columns' section of the grid properties dialogue, there is a field for 'nb of locked columns' (see manual Can someone please explain to me what these are? I ask because I was trying to find a way to set a column at a fixed width (namely, an 'itemhashtml' field, which I always have to manually adjust to display just the width of the yes/no box each time I open the grid). Cheers.
(edit): I have 'Auto-size width' checked, but it isn't coöperating.


For your column width problem - make sure that this in the menu is *not* selected:
Grid >> Auto-size width
(hopefully that will sort the problem)
Nr of locked columns: columns on the left hand side of the grid can be locked - when you scroll horizontally then, they stay in view while the rest of the columns scroll
e.g. I would normally have it set to 2 - the first column is always the '#' number column & the second normally being the Item field


2010/03/03 10:09

In reply to by Tom

 Thanks, Tom. That's exactly what I need.