Submitted by Armando on 2010/04/17 16:21
Hi Pierre,
... Subject line says it all.
In other words : what's the effect of  extensive "multiple parents" usage on IQ's performance (if any)
Thanks !


There should be extremely small, because:
  1. The parent-child list is indexed
  2. The main parent is saved with the item (not in the parent-child list)
  3. The properties pane is the only place where the list of parents needs to be retrieved (children list generally takes longer to retrieve...)


2010/06/15 12:43

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

There should be extremely small, because:
  1. The parent-child list is indexed
  2. The main parent is saved with the item (not in the parent-child list)
  3. The properties pane is the only place where the list of parents needs to be retrieved (children list generally takes longer to retrieve...)
That should probably put in the manual. I'll do it if I have the time later.
Note however that in the mean time I discovered that  parent-child relationship do affect performance in some situations :
1- inheritance (more children -- even unexpected ones... -- will inherit characteristics if one is not careful)
2- column equations -- that one is tricky... Same problem as above, but reversed.
[quote=Armando in Other types of links in IQ]
However, some of these strengths are also weaknesses. One of them : if an item has multiple parents, which themselves are children of multiple parents, etc. column equations can rapidly spiral out of control and IQ's performance decreases dramatically. This is a big problem in my DB now. Sometimes an operation on 1 item takes 15s ! Imagine 100. And this is mostly because I use the parent-child linking a lot.
3- Properties pane display of parents. I noticed that the more parents I have, the slowest the properties pane becomes. See : When properties pane "fetches data" to populate certain sections (Parents & Siblings), properties refresh is very slow.. However, I will update that thread as I think it has to with parents being collapsed or not in the properties pane.