Submitted by jan_rifkinson on 2010/04/24 19:36
 So for example, user could right click & select pending or Foloup or whatever they have chosen as their choice of field(s)


Hi Jan.
Not a bad idea. Could be something like "Favorite fields" with maybe 5 fields.
I wonder if something like that could be integrated with forms ?
Every grid would/could be associated with 1 or 2 forms that would be accessible through a shortcut OR the right click context menu. As long as it's light and quick.
I do use forms, but I'd use them more if I could just 1- call them with a shortcut, 2- click the right field and 3-start typing. It's almost like that. Maybe a tad slower. But since all my forms start with "-".
Honestly I find that it's already pretty quick. Let's see :
1- press F4  (or move mouse to properties pane, etc.)
2- then type "-" (or the first letter of your form...  "-" is convenient providing you use the same letter for all forms)
3- expand the form with arrow
4- type the first few letter of the field (Or just use mouse)
5- ctrl-space to check a field, etc.
1- Press F4
2- Type the first letter of your field
3- ctrl-space to check a field, etc.

I guess this process could be quicker. Or simpler/cleaner.
One problem that I have is that when expanding forms sometimes (I'll have to test it) the focus moves to the right column even if I didn't do anything to do that.

I don't mind adding that to mantis if Pierre/others like the idea. (???)


2010/05/08 17:10

In reply to by Armando

I don't mind adding that to mantis if Pierre/others like the idea. (???)
I like the idea

Mantis :
0967 ability to have 2 or 3 fields appear in context menu