Submitted by chapa on 2010/05/22 22:26
I am trying to use conditional formatting based on the indent level, so I tried the following on the  Item field:
' Use a larger text size for items that are at the root level in the outline.
Criteria:  nbParents=0
Formats: ItemTextSize=35
This doesn't seem to work. Does anyone have a workaround?


Hi Chapa,
I haven't experimented much with conditional formatting as "outlining level" differentiating tool...
I do have a few rules using nbParents and nbChildren, but this is a bit limited as, AFAIK, you can't use logical operators (like AND, OR, etc.) to build more complex conditions, which would be necessary for a more efficient outline levels formatting.
In any case, using ItemTextSize won't work as this is not a "font" field but rather a field that calculates how many character are contained in all text fields in an given item.
Available formatting options are :
  • Bold=1. Bolds the cell
  • Italic=1.
  • StrikeOut=1
  • Underline=1
  • BackColor=&HBBGGRR: Changes the background color for cell
    (BBGGRR stands for hex values of Blue, Green, and Red colors)
  • ForeColor=&HBBGGRR: Changes the foreground color for cell
Notes :
- Colors might be used efficiently to differentiate outline levels.
- "Real" outline formatting is planed, but I'm not sure if Pierre officially put it in the Mantis suggestion list or not. There's a old related issue thought : 327