Submitted by KeithB on 2010/06/03 11:03
[Edit] I modified -- link to nonexistent node ID 1693 -- to have child pages for each issue. I believe it will be much easier to manipulate and update.
Also it could be more easily colloborative--submit ideas on each page, contribute what you know, etc
I made a this page for the "to-do's" in the online manual. Feel free ta add or revise anything.
This can be our "Mantis" type of system to keep track of things to do.


thanks Keith !
the manual page is here: -- link to nonexistent node ID 1693 --

Keith (& others)
I added a link (on the book page) to this thread and said 'Discuss here' - if you prefer we can just start a thread there, it might be easier - or just debate in the table itself ! (in general i find it tidier to keep threads seperate from the manual, but that is a 'work' page !)
Change if you wish.

While compiling the manual I noticed some issues with filenams for a few graphics.
Nodes 738, 864, 1061, 1777 and 1779 link to files starting with Screenshot that contain spaces. There seems to be a little confusion about the escaping of the spaces when dumping the files, so it would be great if the filenames could be changed to all use underscores instead of space like the rest of the graphics in the manual.


2010/07/11 21:47

In reply to by Jibz

Nodes 738, 864, 1061, 1777 and 1779 link to files starting with Screenshot that contain spaces.
I think I got all the appropriate pictures renamed.