Submitted by winter on 2010/06/06 18:26
This is provided in the hope it will be useful, of course. I realize this is far too simplistic for many users of this forum, but will perhaps be of use to those with a level of expertise own, that is to say, closer to zero. I imagine what I've done is already part and parcel of some of the material already available on this site.
My goal was this:
1) Creating an item should start tracking without further ado.
2) Creating a subitem should also start tracking, without stopping the tracking of the parent.
Remaining to do:
1) Lots, including:
2) Make it a little easier to input the end time for a task.
3) Ideally (for me, anyway) creating a new TLI should update the previous TLI and calculate its time.That may be a hard row to hoe and still keep subitem functionality.
4) Should add a Billable yes/No field. That way it won't matter if every item ends up with its time calculated.
Please notice the Auto-assignment rules, row equations and inheritance rules in the shots below.
There are three fields involved, TaskActStart,
and TaskDuration.
The grid names have been changed to protect the innocent.
The rule "TaskActStart" gets auto-assigned as TaskActStart=ItemCreated.
Here's shot of the Time Log grid, with some overly verbose but hopefully useful info:


Thanks Winter.
The fact that it's simple can actually give ideas to new users of what can easily be done.