I use it a lot, but only because I need a quick way to see both HTML and properties pane and then hide them, without loosing the focus in the grid.
For some reason, it's the only keyboard shortcut that will insure me that when panes are hidden the focus won't go somewhere strange.
But, when properties pane and HTML pane are both opened, one below the other (sticky mode) F11's actions are hard to remember and grasp.
1- why does F11 detach the HTML pane and not the properties pane when it has focus (not that it bothers me that much, but I wonder why as it makes its mechanism hard to grasp) ?
2- why none of the panes have focus when they appear using F11 ?
3- Then... why (follow all the steps closely as they almost all produce something interesting ) :
a- when I focus on the detached HTML pane (F12),
b- and press F11 to re-dock it, it looses it's focus, and... nevertheless...
c- pressing F11 again will undock it (normally this happens only when it has focus)
d- and pressing F11 again will hide everything...
e- and pressing F11 yet again will show the HTML pane detached (and the properties pane docked, if it was there previously) ?
it's hard to grasp because the behaviour is a bit hard to predict. IMO, it should do one thing and its reverse, that's it. Undock <-> reDock the currently focussed pane.
Now, what I'd miss though is a shortcut to show both panes at once, as F11 is currently doing (but shouldn't do IMO)
Opinions ?